Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Episcopal Church of Sudan in the News

Several news items appeared recently which are worth noting. Many of these are sparked by this Nov. 5-7 meeting in Juba, where the Sudanese Church and its partners met in Juba. Our own Debbie Smith was an active participant in the meeting and was one of the few quoted in the ENS article.

Episcopal News Service reported on that meeting here. They also provide videos from the Rev. Canon Petero Sabune (TEC's Africa Partnership Officer) and Robin Denney (agriculture consultant from TEC for the Episcopal Church of Sudan )

With luck, those videos will play here:

The Rev. Sabune:

Ms. Denney:

ENS also carried an essay by Robin Denney here about daily life in Juba, Sudan.

And continue to watch the Lui Network site for news about the work of TEC's Missouri, England's Blackmore Vale, and Sweden's Lund diocese in Lui.