Friday, May 05, 2006


It’s hard for me to wrap my head around this. There have been no schools operating in Lui for more than two decades. Because the civil war closed them down.

When the Khartoum government from the north began attacking the southern regions like Lui, they attacked the schools and churches first. I gather they were trying to destroy the fundamental structures of the life in the south.

So … for over two decades … no schools have been able to operate.

Now that a provisional peace has come in to Lui, they are trying to restore schooling. This is one of the schools that Lui had established.

The children throng into these schools. They are very eager to attend school.

But here’s one thing that was heart-breaking to us. When we were there, the drought was devastating. It was so devastating that they had to close the schools, because there was no water for the children. Think of how we have to close school here when there’s a bad snow- or ice-storm. But in Lui, it’s because of a lack of water.

On February 27, we visited the village of Kedibah, which was one of the villages that was burned-out by the Dinka last fall. The burned many buildings in the village, including the school. This picture was captured by Archdeacon Robert. In the background is the burned-out school building. When we came to the village and Archdeacon Robert walked across to the school, these children gathered in front of the school remnants. They are so eager to see another school built here! And they believe we are going to rebuild schools here.

Will we build them? The children are waiting.

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