Sunday, December 28, 2008

The journey home

Believe it or not, 5 of the 8 missioners from Missouri will start heading home tomorrow morning. The trip will take a few days and will be very tiring, so please keep us in your prayers.

I will update this blog on our progress, but we are limited, so you probably won't here from us until Wednesday when we all split up from O'Hare.

The weekend was spent by missioners completing projects and meetings within Lui. It seems like a lot of the focus is already on our next trip and the interim time between. We are doing our best to see where are energy could best be used, and finding ways that we can better communicate between here and Missouri.

This trip has been a lot of many things. It's been powerful, fun, spiritual, prayerful, quiet, loud, long, short, and hot (not really cold, although it did get just a little bit cold one or two nights). Overall it's been very good.

I will encourage Deb and Dan to blog while I am gone, and Debbie will be keeping her blog posted here:

I am sure I will post a reflection or two after some contemplation from afar, and I will encourage Emily to do the same after she takes the GOE (General Ordination Exams...please keep her in your prayers)!

More later, but for now, araboya for reading!


Nell Gwynne said...

Will most definitely keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I have very much enjoyed following the blogs of the missioners to Lui this trip. I was blessed in 2006 to have supported Lisa Fox and the missioners who traveled to Lui and feel a deep connection to the ministry. The process as it unfolds is amazing -- know that my prayers and the prayers of the congregation I serve are with you.