I like Susan Naylor’s concept that we have a “Home Team” and an “Away Team” at this time in our relationship between the Dioceses of Lui and Missouri. Debbie, Jim, and Mary are the “Away Team” for now. They are doing marvelous work and relationship-building in Lui, and my prayers are with them almost without ceasing. Like many of you, I hit the LuiNotes and LuLuLui blogs each day – in fact, multiple times each day – hoping for more news from the “Away Team” in Lui. God bless and inspire them and keep them safe.
Meanwhile work goes on here for the “Home Team,” and I’ve been asked to keep folks informed of significant news.
Today was a big one!
Many of you know that the Companion Diocese Committee has had a task force coordinating the collection of medical supplies for Lui Hospital. Marc Smith has coordinated that effort, receiving marvelous support from many Missouri hospitals and Washington University. The many donations were consolidated, packed, and palletized in April, primarily by members of Grace Episcopal Church in Jefferson City.

The shipment is four pallets, weighing about 3,260 pounds. That’s over 1½ tons of support for the Lui Hospital
Charlie Walch of First Choice Courier & Distribution is handling the shipment from the U.S. to Africa. We have had many conversations among the folks working on this. Today I received the delightful news that the shipment has left St. Louis, headed overland to Chicago, then New York, then by ocean transport to Mombasa, Kenya. Today Charlie sent me details. The medical supplies should leave New York on June 6, aboard the President Truman, expected to arrive in Mombasa on July 15. Thanks be to God!
Then it will be up to our friends in Lui to coordinate the overland transport from Mombasa to Lui. Debbie and our mission team are working with the Lui staff to make sure this goes smoothly.
Home and Away is indeed a wonderful idea. I can't remember if I knew about the supplies (that memory would seem to be lost in the back of my brain somewhere), but this post pulls the whole story together very well. Thanks!
Bill Sanders
Advent - Crestwood
You probably didn't, Bill. We haven't done a great job letting the diocese know all that we are doing. But I'm glad you are here now. And I'm trying to a better job of getting the news out.
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